It’s one thing to have your coaching website copy ready - but quite another to feel ready yourself

That’s why I use my skills as a professional copywriter with 20 years’ experience to write words for your website that will connect on a gut-level with your dream clients.

And I also use my skills as an embodiment coach to help you move through the fears holding you back from fully blossoming as a business owner, so when your website is ready, so are you. 


As an embodiment coach (who’s struggled with stepping into my calling myself), I know what it’s like to get stuck in freeze mode just when you’re stepping into your most meaningful life’s work.

I believe you’ve worked too damn hard to be stuck in that greige cubicle or stale coaching business forever. And I believe with all my heart that the world needs your medicine as a coach, healer or therapist.

My copywriting will translate the purpose of your soul into words your dream clients will immediately gravitate to. And we’ll get in touch with your inner body wisdom so you’re ready to step into the spotlight too. 

Hey, Dreamer!
,I'm Danielle Heyns

Hi, I'm Danielle Heyns


- Home, About, Services and Sales page

- Two Embodiment Coaching sessions



$4,000 NZ 
(ABOUT $2,400 US)


- Home, About or Single-Service Sales Page 

$1,200 NZ 
(ABOUT $720 US)

- Sales page for a programme or retreat 

$1,000 NZ 
(ABOUT $610 US)


$200 NZ 
(ABOUT $120 US)

About 60 minutes 
This service is for copywriting clients only 

What's included: 

An initial deep-dive call where I get to know everything about you, your business, your dream client - and what makes you stand apart as a coach, therapist, healer or wellness entrepreneur.

This is a co-creation process, so within 4 weeks of getting my first draft, you’ll have bottomless revisions and as many calls as you need to get it just right. (After 4 weeks, revision calls are at my hourly rate of $150 NZ - about $90 US)

Embodiment Coaching to explore any fears, problems, issues or desires that are going on for you around sharing your story or stepping out as coach. 

This is where you really get to explore your deeply-held dreams for yourself as coach and your business - and find forward movement in areas where you're feeling stuck. 

1. Ethical copywriting that sounds just like you - and lets your dream client know you're the one 

My copywriting will:

Clarify your message.

The number one reason people don’t take that next step to book a call while they’re on a website is because they’re confused. And the confused mind says no.

I want you to be laser-clear about your message and how you work with people, so your perfect-fit clients will take that next step and contact you.

Connect with your dream clients.

In a sea of coaches and offers, your true clients will know you’re the one for them when they feel a genuine sense of connection with you.

My copy is aimed at creating that resonance between you and the clients you've been dreaming of working with. 

Convert the right clients 

‘Convert’ is copywriting lingo for getting people to take that next step and work with you.

The problem with other copywriting techniques you may have tried is they're aimed at converting everyone, their dog and their mother-in-law. I believe that’s a recipe for burnout and hating what you do.

That’s why my way is focused on converting the right clients for you. The ones who energise you and make you happy to get out of bed in the morning. And the clients who drain your energy, well, they’ll stop applying. 

The two branches of my Embodied Copywriting approach

Price list 

2. Connect with your own inner authority as coach through Embodiment Coaching

I don’t just want you to have the perfect words for attracting your perfect-fit clients - I also want you to be able to share that message with ease and a deeply-felt sense of inner authority.

Because I’ve learned from personal experience that once we (sensitive) coaches have the audacity to step out with our message, our nervous systems tend to go a bit haywire.

That’s why I work directly with the wisdom of your nervous system and body to help you gain clarity and confidence - so once your website copy is ready, so are you!

My clients often use Embodiment Coaching sessions to explore:

Fear around sharing your story, your message and how it will be perceived 

Struggling with imposter syndrome or stepping into your authority as coach

Limiting beliefs

Being afraid of evolving your business, or going in an entirely new direction

Procrastinating on decisions you know need to be made, like growing your team

Uncertainty about whether your new direction is really the right one for you

Feeling stuck in roles that no longer serve you

Finding it hard saying no or asking for what you need.

A desire for more joy in what you do, or a better work-life balance

… And anything else that’s going on for you, even if it’s not strictly business related. Because as an entrepreneur who juggles many roles, chances are, if it affects you, it affects your business and copywriting.

Embodiment Coaching is a body-focused form of coaching.

During a session, you may have your eyes closed for the most of the time, while you explore what’s going on for you, in terms of how it feels in your body.

We welcome all feelings and sensations - ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ to be present in the body, and tap into our innate body wisdom. (You’re always in control of how much you allow, and what feels safe.)

What to expect from Embodiment Coaching
with me 

I work specifically with coaches

People who make a difference in the world are my favourite people. That’s why I work specifically with the coaches, healers, therapists and wellness entrepreneurs of the world.

You may have tried some online templates or copywriting courses that just didn’t work for you. That’s not your fault! It's because most of them - sometimes even the ones who say they’re for coaches - are really aimed at product-based entrepreneurs, not service-based ones like us. 

A coaching website has a totally different set of copywriting requirements (sometimes even legal ones). This is the kind of copywriting I specialise in. 

You’re in the right place if the type of copywriting that’s about making the sale at all costs makes you feel queasy.

I write copy that sounds like you and speaks your dream clients' language. 

I’ve taken the Ethical Pledge, which means I say no to sleazy marketing techniques like price hiding (you’ll see my prices listed proudly at the top of my page), making people feel like shit about their problems (I believe in using empathy instead), or terrifying about what will happen if they don’t sign up.

Here's why you'll love working with me 


I’ve been where you are (and I found a way out of freeze mode)

I find that most of my clients identify as introverts, highly sensitive people and/or NF (Intuitive Feeler) personality types. I’m all those things, and I believe that the world needs our medicine.

Yet we’re the ones who most often doubt our own inner authority as coaches, getting stuck in freeze mode just when we’re about to step into our most important work.

I’ve been there, and I've found  a way out of the 'oh my word, I'm putting myself out there!' freeze, by using the power of our nervous system and feelings, rather than trying to work against them, as so many approaches advocate.

Over here, feelings are signposts and your intuition is your North Star. 

Here's why you'll love working with me 



I like to go deep 

My coaching and copywriting business was born from a desire to spend more one-on-one time with clients. Because I know that's when the magic happens. The once-over-lightly approach isn't for me.

That’s why I take the time to get to know you and your point of difference really, really well. I’ll look at your competition, glowing reviews from your clients, and anything else that will help me get a true-blue sense of your unique spot in the coaching, therapy or healing market.

Because there’s only one of you. And it’s about time your dream clients knew you were the one for them.

Here's why you'll love working with me 

The Dream Page Full-Service Copywriting is for you if: 

You're a coach, healer, therapist or wellness entrepeneur who wants a professional copywriter to take care of your copy

You want copywriting that will connect, convert and clarify, without the sleazier aspects of copywriting

You have some fears, limiting beliefs or concerns about stepping out as coach or pivoting your existing business that you'd like help with 

You're ready to clarify your message so you can easily talk about what you do


In others' words... 

- Preeti Mattoo, Transformational Coach

The power of working with Danielle is in the safety she provides. She knew exactly the right questions to ask, to peel my layers away - and I there were so many that I had a protective shell!

She created a narrative that I was initially afraid to own - even thought that was exactly the story that wanted to come out - and that for me was the catalyst for becoming an empowered woman, coach and leader.

Since working with Danielle, sharing my story and owning its power has been amazing. I feel like she freed me as a coach in this process of us working together.

When I first set out sharing more about myself as a coach and person, I went into freeze mode. It’s such a vulnerable feeling, being seen. It kicked up a lot of shame, and fear of rejection. Sometimes it's painful to go back to certain places, so when someone comes along who can take you there safely, that’s so helpful.

The way Danielle crafted the truth of what happened to me, and how that led to my coaching career, is so beautiful - and I love that she conveyed my humor in her writing too.

I really liked Danielle’s process. I told her my story and she identified the most powerful pieces that I hadn’t even thought about. She was able to make the connections so she could craft a narrative that was true and could connect with my clients. What's more, it's has given me a competitive edge as a coach. 

"Danielle is a skilled practitioner in the realms of embodied expression & creative copywriting. If you're seeking a Feminine Embodiment Coach to help you express your most potent self while relaxing any resistance that might (inevitably) arise along the way, I'd highly recommend working with Danielle."

Jenna Ward, founder of The School of Embodied Arts 

Copywriting Just For You 


If you’re ready for web pages that make you the intuitive choice for the clients who energise you - and you want to step out as a coach with deeply-felt inner authority - I'd love to chat with you about making that happen.