Lovely to connect! 

I'm Danielle Heyns, an embodiment coach and copywriter for coaches, therapists and healers who struggle to sit down and write the words their businesses (and clients) need. 

Lovely to connect! 

Specifically, I work with the creatively blocked, the master procrastinators, the dream deferrers and the scared shitless.

I know a thing or two about procrastinating...

Waaay back when at university, I took procrastination to such extreme levels that I’d have to wake up in the middle of the night to finish a particularly heinous essay.

But it wasn’t always like that.

Writing used to be pure flow and all bliss. I’d taught myself to read before I went to school. So writing felt like the most natural, intuitive thing in the world. I spent my early childhood wandering around by the river dreaming up stories or curled up in a chair, filling notepads full of tall tales.

Once I started school, though, things changed. Writing became more of a head-based, performative thing. And I found I could perform well (at the expense of my nervous system - hello, IBS!), getting a string of A’s and being accepted into one of the most-hyped post grad courses at university. Part of the hype was: You’ll be so busy, you’d never sleep.

I remember asking a time management expert our department had gotten in to help us with our insane workload, “When do we have time to just… live?” He looked me dead in the eye and said:

'You can’t think like that if you want to be an adult.'

In my career as a journalist, copy- and content writer, there was no choice - with layoffs around every corner, working longer and faster seemed like the only way to survive.

But survival mode left me anxious and creatively blocked. I tried following popular writing advice, which involved a lot of army-style terms like 'bootcamp' and 'smash your writer’s block'. Rather than motivating me, it made me feel overwhelmed, out of my depth, and ready for a movie marathon with extra chips.

...And I felt alive again

This new-found sense of aliveness soon spilled over into my everyday life. I became more active, going for swims and walks. And while I was moving my body, creative ideas started popping into my head for the first time in ages.

Intrigued, I buried myself various concepts that led to what I now call Embodied Writing.

And I realised that all that time spent trying to 'smash' creative block had been a colossal waste of time - because…


Then I tried something radical that turned my world on its head...

Instead of working the way I did in my job - editing as I go along - I allowed myself to just write.

And for the first time in many years, the joy of creative writing I’d felt as a child came rushing back to me.

Creative and mental blocks live in the body,
and you can’t go to war with your own body
(not unless you want a nervous system that feels like it’s in a constant battle).

Writer’s block and procrastination aren't signs that you’re not working hard enough or lacking in self-discipline.

(If anything, the coaches I work with tend to be overworked, juggling an EGOT-worthy list of roles while putting everyone’s needs ahead of their own).

Instead, procrastination patterns and writer's block are invitations for inquiry.

There are a hundred reasons we procrastinate and feel creatively and mentally blocked - and none of them have to do with you being a lazy layabout.

Maybe you’re all go-go-go right now and need some time to rest or have fun

Maybe you’re trying to force ideas from your head (understandably - that’s how we all learned to write!) and ignoring your body, which is on a seasonal, cyclical schedule - and loves to move!

Maybe you’re stuck playing a role you no longer want, and your true self is begging to go in a different direction.

Maybe there’s an underlying fear - of not being good enough, of upsetting people - that needs to be addressed before you press ‘publish’.

Or maybe you’re just struggling to translate the knowledge you have in your head to words that will connect with your dream clients, and need some guidance.

I now help coaches, therapists and healers who are struggling to write the copy for their websites.  Because it’s almost never ONLY the technical aspects of writing that we struggle with.

We’re usually also petrified to step into our dream profession, even though we know with every fibre of our being that we’re called to coach. Coaches need coaching too!

I want you to feel deeply confident within yourself, in your message, and in the unique brand of healing you bring to the world. And I want you to fall in love with the writing process too - for it to be intuitive and fun, like before society, school or the corporate world intervened.

I know my mix of solid, practical, proven copywriting advice and body-focused, deep-dive, wild-territory embodiment coaching can help you share the message in your heart in a way that will resonate with your dream clients on a cellular level.

Welcome to my Beach Haven

I have 20 years’ of journalism, copy- and content writing experience, which taught me how to craft stories that grab people’s attention and to sell through words. I always valued connection and authenticity, which meant that the dirtier part of copywriting - bending the truth, straight-up lying or using people’s trauma to sell to them - never sat right with me. That’s why I’ve taken the Ethical Move pledge. 

I’m an INFP and a highly-sensitive person. I find most of my clients identify as sensitive, or as NF (intuitive feeler) personality types too. One of the benchmarks of the high-sensitivity trait is a desire to dig deeper. I love nothing more than exploring deep terrain with my clients - and that we get to trust our feelings and intuition.

I live in Tāmaki Makaurau (Auckland), New Zealand, in a suburb called Beach Haven, which is exactly as quaint and cosy as it sounds (I’m thankful for it every day).

I share a house with my handsome programmer husband (or, as I like to call him, “IT support”) and our timeshare cat. She’s really the neighbour’s, but she likes to think she’s ours. And I like to think that’s because our home is tranquil - exactly the feeling I want you to have when you visit me virtually for a coaching session.

So bring your comfiest blanket and something soothing to drink, and let’s talk all things copywriting and coaching for your business!

...Here's a bit about me personally


fun fact  

My party trick is wriggling my nose up and down like a rabbit's 

I learned this as a child, watching our pet bunnies (yeah, I was a weird kid)



fun fact 

Guavas mixed with clean washing

That's my favourite smell
A childhood memory of my grandmother's backyard in South Africa



fun fact   

I like horror movies 

...Admittedly, I watch them with my eyes closed half the time 



fun fact   

I play the drums

Both rock and West African 



fun fact  

I'm a waterbaby

You can tell by my swimmer's shoulders, coastal decor style and the fact that I book holidays around bodies of water or hot tubs 



fun fact 

I need my long daily walk 

...with headphones pumping out rhythmic music
(I say 'walk', but if anyone says they saw me dancing in the park or on the beach,  I won’t be able to deny it)


Tell your story,
embody your brand

Let's get you sorted with copy that will make you the intuitive choice for your ideal clients, while you work through your fears and worries of writing, coaching or changing your business.  

Book a chat with me. There's no sales pitch, I promise. But you can ask me anything you want copywriting for your business. 

Work with me