(Specially for coaches) 

Let's co-create your
 website copy 

Connect with your dream clients - and your own inner authority as coach 

A three-month copy school where you get to write from your heart with a calm nervous system, with expert advice and editing, cheerleading and support, masterclasses and one-on-one embodiment coaching from me. 

You choose which copy you want to work on - your website, newsletter, blog posts, sales pages or a mix. We love mixing things up over here!

Write copy that speaks like you do, and start connecting with the clients who need you. 


$1,800(NZ) a month
- THAT'S ABOUT $1,120 (US) - 

 $600 (NZ) / ABOUT $370 (US)
(Yup, that's an even split - I don't penalise payment plans)

Copy Coaching for coaches

Why mix embodiment coaching and copy coaching? 

You're ready for your voice to be heard, but it's shaking right now.

Stepping out as a coach, therapist, wellness entrepreneur or healer is a dream come true. You've invested oodles of ungodly hours into getting your coaching credentials (which did not include a ‘how to build your website’ or ‘how to write your copy’ course…) Or you’ve had your coaching business for a while, but it’s evolving - as are you - so your website, blog, newsletter or other copy no longer fits your current clients, services, or perspective.

The annoying thing is, now that you’re ready to step into your life’s most fulfilling work, your voice isn’t just shaking, it’s all-out playing hide and seek.

You’ve always been creative, visionary and resourceful - and pretty good at writing - yet now, every time you sit down to write the copy for your business, it’s like everything inside you is blocking the words and you’re left staring at a blank screen.


To get over writer's block and find the right words to connect with your kindred-spirit clients, you've tried it all: 

Paying someone else to write your copy, only for it to end up sounding exactly like that - somebody else’s words

Conventional copywriting advice that felt so dirty, you needed a shower afterwards (isn’t there a way to connect with your clients without being a manipulative sleazeball?)

The 'hustle-till-you-heave' brotrepreneur bootcamp

The boss babe shtick that pinky promised that everything could be fixed (and you’d make $100K!) by wearing a pretty shade of lippy while mouthing positive affirmations into a mirror

Popular internet strategies for ‘smashing’ or ‘breaking through’ your mental and creative blocks 

The copy/paste template that cost way too much for something that just wouldn’t mould to the coaching business that’s as unique as you are. (Besides, templates with no flexibility just bore the creative in you to tears)  

Forcing yourself to sit down in a chair to write, only to find yourself hours into a bucket of ice cream and an in-depth study of other coaches' websites, convinced to your core that you’ll never have something as good as theirs 

As a professional copywriter and embodiment coach, I see brilliant, creative, visionary coaches, therapists and healers who are good at writing freeze up all the time when they’re ready to launch, pivot or grow their business.

Because when we have the audacity to start expressing ourselves, our nervous systems tend to go a little haywire. That's as normal as it is really freaking annoying.

It's not just you!

But first, you need to feel safe and supported. Your body needs to feel at ease. Your lizard brain needs to curl up and hibernate for a bit, so you can start doing the true-to-you writing that comes from deep within.

As an embodiment coach and copywriter, I adore helping helping coaches, therapists and healers like you untangle the feelings of fear, worry and 'not enoughness' that lead us to being stuck in our head and unable to connect with the words deep within our true selves.

And I also like to get stuck into the proven, practical art of copywriting that will match your business to the clients you’re here to serve. So when you step out as a coach or launch your new business, you’re crystal clear on how to write and talk about your business - AND you have the bone-deep inner authority to do so.

Yes! You totally can DIY your copywriting

So take a deep breath and feel the earth beneath your feet... 

This one-one-one copy coaching progamme is  made for you, if you: 

Have a good understanding of your niche - who your target audience is, what their struggles are, and how you help them. (Chat with me if you’re not sure). 

Are confident working in Google Docs. 

Generally like writing. It’s OK to feel creatively blocked and unfamiliar with Copywriting Best  Practice. But if creative writing was your least favourite subject in school (I hear ya, maths was mine), and you generally prefer to outsource anything to do with writing (me with numbers), Copywriting Just for You might be a better fit.

Are ready to devote three months - and about three writing hours a week - to get the writing work for your new or new-look business off the ground.

Are open to learning new ideas about copywriting and accessing your creativity than you may have learned elsewhere. 

Are willing to explore both traditional talking/thinking-focused coaching AND a more body-based, non-linear type. During an Embodiment Coaching session, you might have your eyes closed for the most of the time, while you explore what’s going on for you, in terms of how it feels in your body. We welcome all feelings - ‘positive’ and ‘negative’ to be present in the body. (You are always in control of how much you allow, and what feels safe.)

You relate to being introverted, (highly) sensitive or an Intuitive Feeler personality type (me too!) who prefers doing things yourself to cookie-cutter approaches, feels lost in large, anonymous groups and prefers deep-dive coaching with someone who genuinely cares about you, your business and your dreams.


Bi-weekly copy classes 

With a different copywriting topic every two weeks, these group classes are where you can ask all your burning questions. And you'll have 

What's included

What's included


One-one-one Coaching Sessions 

You can bring any burning topic, issue or desire to your Wild Dreamer session, which is between 60 and 70 minutes long.  

Clients often use Wild Dreamer sessions to explore:

Feelings of imposter syndrome, limiting beliefs and doubting their own authority as coach (despite their experience and credentials)
Fears about stepping out as a coach and sharing their message
Worry about expanding or pivoting their business

Procrastination patterns (like finding yourself furiously cleaning the house every time you need to sit down and write)

Comparisonitis (spending an hour looking at other coaches’ websites rather than working on your own, making you feel ‘not as good as them’.)

Creative and mental blocks

Struggles with boundaries or roles in business or family life.
A desire to incorporate more ease, fun, connection, joy or play into your life and business

… And anything else that’s going on for you, even if it’s not strictly business related. Because as an entrepreneur who juggles many roles, chances are, if it affects you, it affects your business and copywriting.

What's included

What's included


Self-paced resources and ‘recipe’ books to help you write copy that clarifies, converts and connects 

Here’s where you’ll start to play with creating your own copy, in between one-on-one coaching calls with me. I call my resources ‘recipe books’ because I’m a creative cook and there’s always a way to do things differently for even more delicious results.

But in order to break the rules well, it’s really good to know them first. My self-paced writing prompts and resources are aimed at giving you a thorough grasp of ethical copywriting rules AND how to apply (bend / break) them to your unique business.

And they’re aimed specifically at working with coaches, healers and therapists, so you know your time and money is being spent on something that’s tailored to you . 

What's included


Bottomless copy edits 

...From me, a professional copywriter with 20 years’ experience for the duration of your coaching membership (give me five working days to get back to you).

Sharing your writing can be really freaking hard. I’m all about pointing out what you do really well, and making gentle suggestions for where things could be clearer for your ideal audience. I always want you to sound like you, and speak your clients’ language.

What's included

What's included


Self-paced resources for Embodied Writing

These self-paced audio resources are tailor made to help you drop into your body. Using Embodied Movement practicse, you'll  gently move through any resistance that arises in your writing practice.

You’ll also learn to write from your body and edit from your mind, with a calm nervous system - and why we don’t edit and write at the same time.

My gentle movement practices are suitable for any ability. 

What's included


Free access to The Writer's Cave 

If you want to set some time aside for your writing and love the accountability of a set time, you’ll love the Writer’s Cave.

Here, we write from the body and edit with calm nervous systems - but never at the same time.

Usually $20 (NZ) a session - that's about $13 (US) -  this online co-writing group is free for all coaching members. 

What's included


Added benefits 

Content creation ideas for months 

One of the perks of getting to know your business inside out, is that it gives me oodles of ideas for topics you could be creating content (blog posts, newsletters, social media posts, videos and podcasts) about.

My clients love the ever-growing list of content topics I share with them and how it helps them share their message while providing great value for their clients. 



Added benefits

Making friends 

Being an entrepreneur can be socially isolating at times, especially if you mostly work online.

In our private Facebook group, you’ll meet like-minded dreamers who are building their businesses, just like you. 



Added benefits

The skills to write your website copy again - from scratch 

Our coaching businesses and services evolve over time, and sometimes they change radically. With lifetime access to the courses and recipe books that come with this coaching programme, you’ll be able to write your business copy from scratch, whenever you need to. 



Added benefits

A sustainable writing practice that will evolve with your business 

Learning skills and the ability to put them into practice are two very different things. I want you to succeed going forward. That’s why my copy coaching is aimed at giving you the skills to know exactly what to do when procrastination and writer’s block pop up again. 



Added benefits

The ability to talk about your work with ease 

During our time together, we get laser clear on your unique message. So yes, you’ll be able to write about it very well. But also: next time someone invites you on a podcast or asks what you do for a living, you might find you’re also able to talk about your work with more ease, clarity and confidence.


One-on-one copy coaching is probably not for you if... 

You prefer a traditional, ‘salesy’ approach to copywriting.

Are only comfortable with a linear, head-based approach to one-on-one coaching. We do that too, half the time, but we also delve into the rich insights your body and feelings have to offer. 

Expect to be done with marketing once your website copywriting is done. While having a wonderful website makes for a fantastic start to connecting in a real way with your dream clients, it’s only part of the marketing equation.

Want me to do your writing for you. I’m here with expert advice, unlimited edits, one-on-one coaching and to be your cheerleader. But I won’t be doing the writing part for you - that’s a whole other coaching package. 


In others'

- Jenna Ward, founder of The School of Embodied Arts

"Danielle is a skilled practitioner in the realms of embodied expression & creative copywriting. If you're seeking a Feminine Embodiment Coach to help you express your most potent self while relaxing any resistance that might (inevitably) arise along the way, I'd highly recommend working with Danielle."

- Jessica Brunner, Feminine Embodiment Coach and Pleasure Guide

"Danielle is a master at her craft.  Although opening myself up for critique to my website copy was extremely vulnerable, Danielle lovingly gave feedback that strengthened and aligned my content. I would highly recommend working with her if you are looking for guidance without sacrificing your unique expressive flair."

- Nomfundo Mbaba Tshabalala, Media Consultant

"Coaching with Danielle really worked wonders on my confidence and state of mind. I was able to dig deep and see things clearly. There were a lot of 'aha' moments. I have recommended her to friends."

- Niamh Asple, Embodied Business Coach.

"Coaching with Danielle was hugely helpful for me. I came to her in the sticky process of creating change in my business, moving in a new direction and battling with the discomfort of starting from scratch. I gained clarity around letting go of my old business name and leaning more deeply into working under my own name -  something which terrified me - while nurturing myself through the process.  I'm now getting ready to build a new website in my own name! Thank you Danielle, so very grateful for your support."


It's time to find your words - and the courage to share them



Let's do this! Add me to the Embodied Website Copy School waitlist.