Why writer’s block hits just when you’re about to step out as a coach

August 11, 2023

by Danielle Heyns

Photo: Anna Alexes

You’ve always been creative and visionary. So you thought you’d DIY the copywriting for your new or evolving coaching business. 

Only to be hit by writer’s block.

Heck, it’s more of a boulder than a block by now. And you’re over here, trying to push it uphill like that dude in mythology. 

You’re not even sure you can call it writer’s block. Maybe it’s more of a mental thing?

Because right when you’re ready to step into your life’s most fulfilling work, your voice isn’t just shaking, it’s all-out playing hide and seek.

You’re not alone. When we start expressing ourselves as a coach, we can often get stuck in our heads, overthinking every word, until we’re stuck in a loop of unhelpful thoughts that just won’t translate to a clear, readable message.

So what the heck is going on?

Your boring brain is not on board

A writing tutor told me once, ‘your brain’s job is to keep you safe’. Not happy. Not fulfilled. Not dancing the funky chicken with friends at your local dive bar because you’ve finally graduated your coaching course.

Because challenging status quo is a big threat to your brain.

That guy is feeling major threatened right now. That guy wants your life to be boring. Like, back to your greige cubicle boring.

Because boring means safe. 

See, we’ve always needed people – the tribe, the village, the family – to survive. And being expelled from our support network is highly threatening to your brain.

Your brain would rather see you repeating the same pattern over and over again until you’re forced to retire at 65, than risk trying something new.

Crying into your ice cream with nacho toppings like you learned to do in high school means you’re safe. Procrastinating on writing your website copy for the 77th time means you’re safe. Putting yourself out there for the world to see? Not so much.

So it starts starts attacking you with poison-arrow questions like: 

  • What if I can’t translate the knowledge in my head and heart to words that will connect with my dream clients? 
  • My story is so… personal. What if Sharon from work sees this? She always likes to put me in my place. And maybe she’s right and that place is hidden away in a greige cubicle for the rest of my life. At least no one sees me there.  
  • Who am I to put myself out there as a coach? Who would ever listen to me anyway?

Ouch. Can you feel that? Yeah. These little nasties are designed to cut deep.

Write from my what?

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio

Writing is this rational, linear, brain thing, right? You sit down, you plot out your structure, you start at the beginning and write line by line, until you’ve reached the end.

Weeeelllll… sure, this is what we’re taught in school, but I don’t quite agree.

Because as we’ve seen, it’s your boring brain that’s gotten you into this mess in the first place.

Thing is, there’s this whole other world that we ignore when we’re stuck in our heads – the world of the body.

As an embodiment coach and copywriter, I believe that’s where we want to be writing from. Because the body is where our most juicy, original, creative, visionary ideas live.

That’s why I’m a big believer in writing from the body, not the mind.

As an embodiment coach and copywriter for coaches, I love helping coaches move through writer’s block so you can find the words that will connect on a gut level with your dream clients. Find out about more a bout how my embodiment coaching and copywriting services can help you embody your brand here.

Not your ordinary copywriting for coaches

As an embodiment coach and copywriter for coaches, I love helping coaches move through writer’s block so you can find the words that will connect on a gut level with your dream clients. Find out about more a bout how my embodiment coaching and copywriting services can help you step into coaching with confidence and clarity here.

A quick-fire way to get out of your head and into your body today

I’ve made this Embodied Movement practice available to you, so you can start moving through writer’s block and into your body, to find the words that truly express the purpose of your soul in ways your dream clients will immediately gravitate towards.

(I’d suggest doing it five days in a row to really start tuning into your body and finding your unique creative rhythm and flow.)

It’s all yours – right here.